Male names


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Names can be registered in the registry. Names were in top names in Hungarian origin Unsure origin Names from relatives Hungarian forms of foreign names Foreign origin
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The Nándor is an old Hungarian name. It was originally the name of the Danubian Bulgarians. It was renewed in the 19th century.
Recommended namedays: 30 May., 05 June., 19 October.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Nemere is an ancient name of Szekler origin. It means restless. (in Hungarian: "békétlen").
Recommended nameday: 19 December.


The origin of the Nimród male name is uncertain or maybe it is Assyrian. The meaning of the Assyrian form is hunter (in Hungarian: "vadász"). Nimród was the father of Hunor and Magor in the Old Hungarian legends. Synonym names: Ménrót
Recommended namedays: 28 April., 01 August., 11 November.
Number of birth registrations: View



The Nyék is a male name of Hungarian origin. This derives from the name of one of the Hungarian Counquerors. The nyék word's meaning is steppe, county, border-land (in Hungarian: "gyepü, styeppe, megye, határvidék").
Recommended namedays: 05 May., 26 May.