Female names


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A Tétisz görög eredetű női név, mely a görög mitológiában szereplő Thetisz nevéből származik.
Recommended namedays: 06 February., 19 December.


The Tabilla is a female nam of Old Hungarian origin. It probably means table (in Hungarian: "tábla, tabella, tabula").
Recommended nameday: 22 August.


The Tavasz is a female name of Hungarian origin which means spring (in Hungarian: "tavasz").
Recommended nameday: 21 March.


The Tavaszka is the diminutivy form of the Tavasz which means spring (in Hungarian: "tavasz").
Recommended nameday: 21 March.


It is an ancient female name of Hungarian origin. It means stub (in Hungarian: "tönk, tönköcske").
Recommended nameday: 08 November.


The Tímea was made by Mór Jókai in The aranyember. It means good, respect (in Hungarian: "jó, tisztelet").
Recommended namedays: 20 January., 11 March., 03 May.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Tisza is an ancient female name of Hungarian origin which probably derives from the name of the Tisza river.


The Tünde was made by Mihály Vörösmarty in Csongor és Tünde. This name derives from the fairy (in Hungarian: "tündér") word.
Recommended namedays: 02 April., 01 June., 10 November.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Tüzinke is a female name of Hungarian origin. It probably means fire (in Hungarian: "tűz").


The Tűzvirág is a recent Hungarian name. It means fire+flower (in Hungarian: "tűz+virág").
Recommended namedays: 29 July., 24 November.



The Tyimeske is a female name of Hungarian origin. Its meaning is unknown.
Recommended nameday: 14 August.