Male names


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The Vadász is an old male name of Hungarian origin. It means hunter (in Hungarian: "vadász").


The Vadászó was a beloved name in the 12th century in Kingdom of Hungary. It means hunter man (in Hungarian: "vadászó férfi").


The Vajk is an ancient name of Hungarian origin. It means butter, rich (in Hungarian: "vaj, gazdag").
Recommended nameday: 20 August.


The Varsány is a male name of Hungarian origin which derives from the name of Jazygian people who joined the Hungarian before the Conquest of the Magyars in Hungary.
Recommended nameday: 19 July.


The Vászoly is a male name of old Hungarian origin. After the ban of the runic writing by Vajk, the Vászoly name couldn't be written down by Latin letters (no Á, SZ or LY), so a simplified form of it appeared: Vazul. It means king.
Recommended nameday: 02 January.


This is the simplified form of Vászoly. After the ban of the runic writing by Vajk, the Vászoly name couldn't be written down by Latin letters (no Á, SZ or LY). It means king (in Hungarian: "király").
Recommended nameday: 02 January.


The Velek is an old Hungarian male name. Its meaning is unknown.
Recommended nameday: 28 September.


The Vitéz is a male name from the ages of Late Middle Ages. It derives from the valiant (in Hungarian: "vitéz") word.
Recommended namedays: 28 April., 02 November.


Vízibor was one of the famous chiefs of Árpád who was the forbear of the more than 800 years old Kűkemezeys.