Male names


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A Mátyás héber eredetű férfinév. A héber Mattatiás név latin Matthias formájából származik, jelentése Isten ajándéka.
Más vélemény szerint a manu, azaz a "jó", és a thesis, azaz az "elhelyezés" szavakból származik. Ezért Mátyás: a rossz – vagyis Júdás – helyére ‚elhelyezett jó.
Recommended namedays: 24 February., 25 February., 08 December.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Magor is a name of Hungarian origin. It means core (in Hungarian: "mag"). The sons of Nimród were Hunor and Magor who were the fathers of the Huns and Magyars.
Recommended nameday: 08 October.


The Majlát is a Hungarian male name. Its meaning and origin are unclarified.
Recommended nameday: 11 May.


The Makár is a Hungarian name of Latin origin. It means happy (in Hungarian: "boldog").
Recommended namedays: 02 January., 15 January.


The Merse is an old Hungarian name of Armenian origin. It means lord, prince (in Hungarian: "úr, herceg").
Recommended nameday: 22 August.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Mikó is an old name of Hungarian origin. This is the variant of the Miklós.
Recommended namedays: 19 June., 06 December.