Male names


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The Kapolcs is an old Hungarian name of Turkic origin. It probably means Cuman man. Kapolcs is a village in Hungary which was named after the name of a Cuman prince.
Recommended namedays: 24 March., 29 September.


The Kara is a male name of Hungarian-Turkic origin. It means black (in Hungarian: "fekete"). Ahmed ibn Foszlán mentions this name as the name of one of the clans (kara, kazár), who were the 'kabarok'. At Konstatinos Kara, the seventh Hungarian tribe and Kazar, the eighth tribe were the so called Kara-Kazar tribe. According to some sources the Kara tribe settled down in Transylvania.
Recommended namedays: 16 January., 28 May., 08 November.


Karaton was the son of a Hunnic prince, Balambér and after the death of Balambér he became one of the chiefs of the tribe of the broken Hunnic tribe-alliance in 409. He was the brother of Uldin. The name means sunlight, sun ray (in Hungarian: "napfény, napsugár").


The Kászon is a male name of Hunnic origin. It means sour water, sour brook. Kászon was the kürtös (in English: "blower") of Atilla.
Recommended namedays: 24 April., 13 August.


The Kecse is a Hungarian male name of Cuman origin. It means born at night.
Recommended namedays: 24 March., 20 July.


The Kenese is a male name of Slavic-Hungarian origin. It means the land of the king.
Recommended nameday: 10 July.


The Kenéz is a Hungarian-Schytian name from the East and look words (in Hungarian: "kelet & néz"). It is the name of a Hungarian village. It probably means to look onto east.
Recommended namedays: 19 January., 07 December.


The Kipcsa is a name of Hunnic origin. The kipcsas were the bodyguard of Hunnic prince, Atilla. Iszonyat was a kipcsa.


The Kötény is a male name of Hungarian-Cuman origin. It means rider. Kötény was the chief of Cumans in the ages of Tatar invasions.
Recommended namedays: 20 March., 07 August.


The Kurszán is a name of Turkic origin. It means vulture (in Hungarian: "keselyű").
Recommended nameday: 24 November.