Male names


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The Kálmán is a male name of Hungarian origin. It means leftover (in Hungarian: "maradék").
Recommended nameday: 13 October.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Kende male name derives from the old Hungarian gyula word. Under the system of dual leadership which the Magyars used in the 9th century, the two kings of the tribal confederation were the kende (or kündü) and the gyula.
Recommended namedays: 01 September., 25 September., 21 October.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Koppány is an old name of Hungarian origin. It means big, victory, strong, tall. Koppány was the brother of Saint István who was the first king of Hungary.
Recommended namedays: 20 June., 09 July., 08 October., 23 October.
Number of birth registrations: View