Male names


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Jaák was the youngest son of Vászoly who was 10 years old when he took a toss and he broke his neck in the parade ground of Kál at the trench of Csörsz.


The Jelek is an old Hungarian name which derives from the elig word. This is a name of Turkic origin. It means prince, king, governing (in Hungarian: "uralkodó, király, kormányzó"). Synonym names: Ellák, Üllő.
Recommended namedays: 31 March., 07 April.


According to the writing of The Purple Born Constantine, the Jenő male name derives from the name of the 6th Conqueror of Magyars in Hungary tribe.
It means counsellor, confidential (in Hungarian: "tanácsadó, bizalmas"). Jenő, Diósjenő and Tiszajenő preserve this name in Hungary.
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The Jutas is a male name of Hungarian origin. It means: eater (in Hungarian: "faló, nyelő").
Recommended namedays: 08 January., 08 February.


He was an ancient Schytian esquire. He was known as the writer of Scroll of Qumran among Ural-Altaic shamans.
Recommended nameday: 08 September.