Male names


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The Iklad probably derives from the forgotten Hungarian verb "iklandani" which means to punt from the end of that.
Recommended nameday: 01 June.


The Ipoly is an ancient name of Hungarian origin. The meaning of it is unknown, maybe ebb, to ebb, ebber river (in Hungarian: "apály, apad, apadó"). That was a very beloved name. The Ipoly is a Hungarian river.
Recommended namedays: 10 March., 09 July., 13 August.


The Irsa is an ancient name of Hungarian origin. Its meaning has been forgotten.
Recommended nameday: 11 October.


The Izár is an ancient male name. Izár was the son of Kárel főtáltos (the táltos or tátos is a figure in the Hungarian mythology).
Recommended nameday: 26 September.


It is probably the variant of the Izsóp, and the name of a plant. This plant is native to Asia and Hungary.
Recommended nameday: 08 January.


It is probably the variant of the Izsóp, and the name of a plant. This plant is native to Asia and Hungary.
Recommended nameday: 08 January.