Male names


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The Barna is a male name of Old Hungarian-Aramaic origin. It means consolation (in Hungarian: "vigasztalás"). Synonym names: Barnabás, Borbás.
Recommended nameday: 11 June.
Number of birth registrations: View


The meaning of the Béla name is uncertain. If the Béla is a name of Hungarian origin, it is probably derives from Bél surname.
Recommended nameday: 23 April.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Bercel is an old Hungarian name. It was the name of a Bulgar-Turkic tribe.
Recommended namedays: 29 March., 03 June.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Botond is an old Hungarian name from an old surname. It maybe means sticky, mauly warrior (in Hungarian: "botos, buzogányos harcos").
Recommended namedays: 23 March., 16 May., 28 July.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Bulcsú is an ancient male name of Hungarian origin. Bulcsú chief was the chief of the Hungarian armies in the 10th century. The campaigns of Bulcsú outpassed the battles of Hannibal or Alexander the Great. He could speak more languages. The strategia of Bulcsú is taught at more American University.
Recommended namedays: 28 April., 04 May., 04 June., 13 November., 12 December.
Number of birth registrations: View