Male names


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The Baksa derives from an old Hungarian surname. It is maybe a name of Turkic origin or maybe a name of Hungarian origin.
Recommended namedays: 29 March., 07 October.


The Balabán is a name of Hungarian-Turkic origin. It means big, giant (in Hungarian: "nagy, hatalmas").The balaban word means falcon in the Cuman language.
Recommended namedays: 23 March., 20 May.


The Balambér male name is the earliest Hunnic linguistic record. Balambér prince was the first prince of the European Hunnic tribe-alliance (this Hungarian word "Törzsszövetség" means alliance between tribes) from 362-383. It means prince of the princes, strong king.
Recommended namedays: 26 January., 23 February., 27 February.


The Balmaz is a name of Hungarian origin. It means non-existing (in Hungarian: "nem létező").
Recommended nameday: 03 February.


The Bán is an ancient name of Hungarian origin. The Báns were assigns of the king, county chief. It means governor of the border-lands.
Recommended namedays: 12 February., 05 June., 28 August.


The Bánk derives from Bán name, this is an ancient name of Hungarian origin. The Báns were assigns of the king, county chief. It means governor of the border-lands.
Recommended namedays: 19 March., 21 March., 16 April., 01 May.


The Barna is a male name of Old Hungarian-Aramaic origin. It means consolation (in Hungarian: "vigasztalás"). Synonym names: Barnabás, Borbás.
Recommended nameday: 11 June.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Barót is a name of Hungarian origin. It means lord, bear, weasel, mart (in Hungarian: "úr, medve, menyét, nyest").
Recommended namedays: 15 July., 16 July.


The Bátor is an old Hungarian male name. It means courageous (in Hungarian: "bátor").
Recommended nameday: 27 February.


The Becse is a Hungarian male and female name. It means kite bird (in Hungarian: "kánya").
Recommended namedays: 24 April., 30 September.


The Bekény is a male name of ancient Hungarian origin. It means bushy hill (in Hungarian: "sűrű cserjével benőtt dombvidék"). According to the Hungarian chronicles it derives from the era spent at the Black Sea.
Recommended namedays: 14 May., 10 July., 07 October.


The meaning of the Béla name is uncertain. If the Béla is a name of Hungarian origin, it is probably derives from Bél surname.
Recommended nameday: 23 April.
Number of birth registrations: View


The origin of the Belizár name is uncertain. Maybe it was the name of a Byzantine chief.
Recommended nameday: 17 December.


The Bercel is an old Hungarian name. It was the name of a Bulgar-Turkic tribe.
Recommended namedays: 29 March., 03 June.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Bere is an old Hungarian name of Turkic origin. It means benefaction, gift (in Hungarian: "adomány, ajándék").
Recommended nameday: 14 August.


The Berzsián is a Hungarian male name, made by Ervin Lázár a Hungarian poet in Berzsián and Dideki.
Recommended nameday: 24 August.


The Bese is a Hungarian male name. It means hawk, kite (in Hungarian: "karvaly, kánya").
Recommended namedays: 30 June., 27 October.


The Bod is a name of Old Hungarian-Turkic origin. It means branch (in Hungarian: "ág").
Recommended namedays: 28 May., 15 June.


The Bodony is a male name of Hungarian origin. It means branch (in Hungarian: "ág").
Recommended nameday: 30 August.


The Bodos is a male name of Hungarian origin. It means frizzy (in Hungarian: "göndör").
Recommended namedays: 04 October., 19 November.


The Bogát is a name of Hungarian origin. It means rich (in Hungarian: "gazdag"). Its female pair: Bogáta.
Recommended nameday: 15 September.


The Bojta derives from the Turkish baj word. It means rich (in Hungarian: "gazdag"). The origin forms of the name were the Baj, Boj words. The Bojta is the diminutivy form of the Boj. Synonym names: Vajta, Baján, Vajk.
Recommended namedays: 24 April., 20 December.


The Bolyk is an ancient name of Hungarian origin. It means bull (in Hungarian: "bika").
Recommended namedays: 12 October., 01 December.


The Böngér is a male name of Cuman-Hungarian origin. Its meaning is unknown.
Recommended nameday: 12 May.


The Bors comes from the ages of the Árpád-era. It means small (in Hungarian: "kicsi"). The Bors-Turan means small falcon. Borsod Comitatus was named by Bors chief.
Recommended namedays: 12 January., 11 March.


The Botár is a male name of Hungarian origin. It means stick (in Hungarian: "bot").
Recommended nameday: 27 January.


The Botond is an old Hungarian name from an old surname. It maybe means sticky, mauly warrior (in Hungarian: "botos, buzogányos harcos").
Recommended namedays: 23 March., 16 May., 28 July.
Number of birth registrations: View


The Buda is an old Hungarian name. Buda was the brother of Hunnic prince, Atilla. It means old man (in Hungarian: "öreg ember").
Recommended namedays: 19 February., 03 April., 19 May.


The Bulcsú is an ancient male name of Hungarian origin. Bulcsú chief was the chief of the Hungarian armies in the 10th century. The campaigns of Bulcsú outpassed the battles of Hannibal or Alexander the Great. He could speak more languages. The strategia of Bulcsú is taught at more American University.
Recommended namedays: 28 April., 04 May., 04 June., 13 November., 12 December.
Number of birth registrations: View